2020 Coach Course Schedule
With the outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic business as usual has come to a stop. With public gatherings discouraged, if not banned – regardless of the one person per 4 meter area, we have cancelled ALL APRIL COACH COURSES & MODULES. Further:
- Proceeding with the scheduled Club Coach courses in June, July and September will need to be confirmed/cancelled/postponed at a later date based on Government advice.
- The same process will be in place for the Selection & Competition Modules planned for September Evenings.
- We will try to reschedule the NEW combined day Selection & Competition Module for later in the season if at all possible.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Club Coach or attending the Selection and Competition Modules. As soon as we have news in this area we will let our target audience know.
If you need any further information please contact Denise McMillan at Bowls WA on her mobile (0449 619 841) or email (denise@bowlswa.com.au).
The 2020 Coach Course Schedule has been set with two new additions! Bowls WA will offer four Club Coach Course Weekends (a NEW addition is in April on the 18 & 19 {CANCELLED}) in addition to the regularly scheduled evening Selection and Competition Modules held in September. The second NEW addition is the availability of a day-time Selection and Competition module modules to be held at Halls Head on Wednesday April 8th (both-in-one-day session).
The revised full 2020 Schedule can be found CLICKING HERE.
FLYERS that can be printed and posted at each club can be found here {links have been disabled}:
- Coach Courses (weekends – April {CANCELLED}, June {TBA}, July {TBA}, September {TBA})
- Selection & Competition Modules (evenings – September {TBA}, and 1 combined day session – April {CANCELLED – MAY BE POSTPONED})
- Combined Selection & Competition Module (1 day combined session – lunch provided – April {CANCELLED})
{POSTPONED} Bowls WA is also actively looking to recruit and train NEW Coach Presenter and Assessors (P&A’s). There is a training weekend scheduled over May 30 & 31 that is free to interested participants who are eligible. Coach P&A’s must have a current Club Coach Accreditation and have taken both the Selection and Competition Modules. It is preferable that applicants have a few years experience as a Club Coach and are genuinely interested in teaching others to become a Club Coach. Further information can be found in this revised FLYER {link disabled} and shared with interested individuals.