Applications open for New Umpires in November and January
Applications are invited for NEW OFFICIALS to attend a Training & Assessment course.
Attendance is required at each relevant session with each session expected to take approximately 4 hours. Some additional time may be taken up with discussions around Health and Safety, ongoing learning as a new umpire and to complete end of course interviews/assessment feedback.
Session 1 – Marker: This session will consist of on-green and classroom training.
Session 2 – Measurer: This session consists mostly of how to use measuring instruments on-green and the Applicants demonstrating their competency with those instruments. It also includes some classroom learning of the Laws pertaining to measuring.
Session 3 – National Umpire: This session consists of classroom learning of the Laws of The Sport of Bowls, as they apply in WA. To become a National Umpire you must attend and accredit at all three sessions.
Assessment will be continuous throughout the course, including tests, demonstration of your on-green skills and your participation in the classroom training.
Please note: This course includes measuring and candidates will be assessed on their physical ability to use measuring equipment that requires a steady hand and bending down to work at ground level.
There are two venues to choose from:
Date | Venue | Timing |
Wednesdays 17 & 24 November & 1 December, 2021 (Closing date for applications:3rd November, 2021) | Sorrento | Each session starts at 5.30pm |
Mondays 17, 24 & 31 January, 2022 (Closing date for applications: 21st December, 2021) | Mt Lawley | Each session starts at 5.30pm |
Applications must be received at Bowls WA- with fees, on or before the relevant closing date.
New Officials Accreditation Application
Applications to Bowls WA by:
Email: (Please phone if your email isn’t acknowledged within two days of sending: 9340 0800)
In Person: First Floor, 158 Main Street, Osborne Park between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday
Post: PO Box 123, Osborne Park, WA 6917 (Please don’t post if less than two weeks before closing date.)
Please note: All applicants will be sent the latest Officiating Manual for Markers, Measurers & Umpires, which they must bring to all sessions.
It is advisable that, prior to attending, applicants peruse the relevant chapters in the Manual.
All applicants will be required to provide their own Laws of The Sport of Bowls, Crystal Mark, v3.2 May 2021. A limited number of Law Books will be available at the sessions @ $9.00 each (cash only).