2024 Schedule of Club Coach Courses
Bowls Australia Presenters and Assessors are pleased to provide Club Coach Courses each Calendar year during the off-Pennant Season. Schedules for each year will be noted below, when filling in the Club Coach Application Form please ensure you note the Course Date and Course Location at the top of the Form.
Upon your payment being processed you will be sent a Coaching Manual, an Activities Handbook and Questions. Please attempt to complete the Questions prior to attending the Course and bring your Answers, along with your Coach Manual, Activities Book, Bowls, and On-Green Shoes to your chosen Course Venue.
Each State has different requirements for obtaining a Working With Children (WWC) card. In Western Australia it is a legal requirement to have a card if working with or coaching children … to see Bowls WA processes to comply with WA WWC laws when providing Coach Courses click HERE.
- Updated Coach Courses & Modules – ALL CLUB COACH COURSES COMPLETED FOR 2024

(1) To register your interest in attending the in-person two-day course send in your completed REGISTRATION FORM to denise@bowlswa.com.au (** review WWC requirements prior to registering**)
Over the two days:
- Report to the correct venue by 8:45 am
- Each day will end at approximately 4:30 pm
- Bring your Questions & Answers
- Bring your Coaching Manual & Activities Handbook
- Bring Bowls and appropriate On-Green Shoes
- Bring your own lunch
(2) To register your interest in taking the BowlsLearn Online Club Coach Course followed by a one-day in person on-green presentation and course review send in your completed ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM to denise@bowlswa.com.au (Instructions for this new process can be found HERE) (**review WWC requirements prior to registering**)
On the one day:
- Report to the correct venue by 8:45 am
- The day will end at approximately 3:30 pm
- Bring your Questions & Answers
- Bring your Coaching Manual & Activities Handbook
- Bring Bowls and appropriate On-Green Shoes
- Bring your own lunch
The Club Coach course is ideally suited to coaches regularly working at club level, either coaching a team or coaching an individual. Amongst a range of other knowledge and skill components, this course covers a broad range of general coaching theories and specific bowls content, including (but not limited to):
√ | Conduct a coaching session to teach skills and tactics |
√ | Identify appropriate delivery options to place bowl smoothly on running surface |
√ | Identify appropriate drills for shot development |
√ | Apply technique analysis to provide appropriate feedback |
√ | Identify the correlation between line and weight and the impact of environmental conditions |
√ | Implement inclusive activities for the coaching of bowls |
√ | Identify physical growth and development considerations |
√ | Identify the specific responsibilities of lead, second, third and skip |
√ | Assist athletes with basic nutritional strategies for sports performance |
√ | Demonstrate effective communication strategies |
PLEASE NOTE: It can take between 6 to 8 weeks from the time of completing the Club Coach course to receiving your card in the mail
For more information, visit the Bowls Australia Website