State Selection and Performance Committee
- Kerry Andersen (Chair)
- Pieter Harris (Men’s Coach/Selector & Bowls WA Competition and Talent Development Manager)
- Alan Booth (Women’s Coach/Selector)
- Lindsay Thorn (Open Team Selector)
- Michael Sweeney (Open Team Selector)
- Gordon King (Over 60’s Team Selector)
- Margaret Anderson (Over 60’s Team Selector)
- Kelli Wray (Under 18’s Coach/Selector)
- Geoff Watson (Bowls WA Academy Coach)
The State Selection and Performance Committee is an Operational Committee that sits below the Pathways and Performance Committee (Advisory) within the overarching Game Development area (Standing Committee).
The purpose of the Committee is to assist Bowls WA in relation to the planning, preparation, implementation and review of all aspects of State Side selection and performance.
Duties and Responsibilities
- To annually select squads for Open, Over 60s and Under 18 events in conjunction with the Bowls WA state selection policy,
- From those squads select Sides to play in the Bowls Australia Nationals or any test series played during the course of the year,
- Work with relevant Bowls Australia and Bowls WA staff in recommending players for national talent pathways,
- To have representation at major Bowls WA events, so that the abilities of members of various squads, plus those external to existing squads can be assessed and reported on to other committee members,
- Ensure that all players, officials and managers are fully aware of their legal and ethical responsibilities when selected in a squad or side to represent Bowls WA,
- At the conclusion of a series provide a detailed report on the performance of the relevant Side to the committee’s appointed Staff member.
Operating Principles
- Committee meetings are held on an ad-hoc basis as determined by the State Selection and Performance Committee Chair and will be scheduled to correspond with timelines for submitting teams to Bowls WA and/or Bowls Australia,
- To ensure that the Committee has the best interests of all bowlers in mind when making decisions or recommendations, the Committee should not be influenced or biased by personal involvement,
- Meetings may be face to face or online,
- Honour the confidentiality of the Committee’s deliberations and decision-making and not post any confidential information relating to the Committee on social media.
- The Committee is appointed by the Board following a call for Expressions of Interest at the conclusion of the term of office,
- The Committee shall consist of:
The Competition and Talent Development Manager who shall be Secretary, and record the Minutes of the meeting and any outcomes as required,
State Selection Chair
Men’s State Coach
Women’s State Coach
Under 18s State Coach
Academy Coach
Open State Selectors
Over 60s State Selectors
Term of Office
The term of office on this Committee may vary between individual roles but will generally be two (2) years.